Just outside of the bank we hailed a cab called a "collectivo". They are like regular taxis but pick up passengers until the car is full. The destination neighborhood is displayed in the window and on the roof . We knew that we were headed to Recreo, so we simply jumped in the cab with that name. The driver then took us to our destination which was a small university called Adlopho Ibanez. (For your info, the ride cost about $2 Cdn. for a 10-15 minute ride) This shot is from the street in front of the campus and is of the surrounding neighborhood, Vina and beyond. I only wish that our camera could capture what our eyes see. The views around this area are spectacular.
Anyway, Charlene was told that they weren't accepting resumes at this time but the journey through Recleo was worth the effort.

From here, we walked down the hill and caught a bus into Valparaiso to drop off another resume. This time at the University of Santa Maria. A stately, beautiful, intimidating, campus that we have no hopes of getting a response from! We had to sign in at the gate, giving our passport numbers. This is the kind of place that you drop off your CV displaying the list of who, what, when and how you have published. . . . not your resume! Oh well, we needed a bathroom and they had one! We also thought they might get a good laugh!

Each trip on the bus system becomes a little easier, and getting back into Vina was just that, easy! (facil) By this time it was mid afternoon and time for a snack and a cervesa. (Breakfast is included at the hotel, lunch is usually just an apple or banana and some nuts that we pack for the day) This afternoon, I found my new favorite drink. How about an avocado milk shake! Excelente! Avocado, vanilla and ice cream. mmmmm. Bueno!
On the walk back to the hotel, Charlene found a health food store that we had been told about. Unfortunately, it was closed (regular afternoon practice for small shops) but we will return in the morning as it is only three blocks away from the hotel.
By now it's 4:30 and it's off the the supermercado to pick up a few necessities. It's about a 30 minute walk up the waterfront and another 30 minutes of madness fighting the crowds in the store before catching a cab back to the hotel and preparing for supper. (For your info, to compare to the collectivo we took earlier, this was a "regular" cab and the 10-15 minute ride cost $7 Cdn.) After last night's animal stomach, we played it safe and returned to our favorite restaurant. A short walk on a beautiful evening.
Generally, a very nice supper for two (steak, potatoes, veggie and a salad) with a bottle of wine will come in just shy of $40 with tip. That is our English/Spanish dictionary between us.

We don't know the name, but this is THE restaurant of choice as of late.

We find that our brains are working all day, translating, watching, looking, thinking about landmarks and directions, transportation, etc. By the end of the day we are ready for and take full advantage of the time just to relax and talk about what today was and what tomorrow will be. We are constantly amazed at where the time goes and what each day has presented. It is all good! Of course there are challenges but growth is often born of hardship.
Randon notes:
Chile seems to be a paradox: We have been warned countless times of the crime in Chile yet are constantly overwhelmed at the kindness and generosity of the people.
Until next time......Love N&C
1 comment:
Intimidating campus FOR SURE! I'd expect to be walking up to my execution up those steps....or beheading like the guy on the pillar.
C --looks like your jacket fine deal is fine looking too! I found a terrific recipe for you guys; I'll send the website later; it's called Callos a La Madrilena (Tripe Spanish Stew) AHAHAHAHAHHA.
Que Dios te bendiga.
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